Nate (The Rock Creek Six) Read online

Page 17

He raised his head. His blue eyes shone bright in a face stark with desire. "Are you cold, Just Jo?"

  She couldn't speak; she could only shake her head. When he called her Just Jo, the silly nickname took on the cadence of an endearment. Combined with his raspy, seductive voice, he could make her hot all over.

  "Good," he said. "Because I think you've got on far too many clothes and so do I."

  He stood and stripped quickly, easily. Nate had never had any modesty to speak of, and Jo was glad. Gazing at him was a joy, and when he turned and saw her interest, he let her look her fill.

  Broad chest, muscular arms, a light dusting of dark hair tapered over his flat, firm belly. His legs were hard too, and his back—she wanted to kiss and taste and perform any number of interesting variations on his smooth, rippling back.

  "Can I touch you?" She blinked, shocked to hear herself say the words aloud. But he was already nodding, moving closer to the bed and reaching for her outstretched hand.

  "You can do anything you want."

  He placed her palm against his belly, and his skin trembled beneath her fingertips. The soft, curling hair tickled her wrist and made goose bumps race along her arms. In his eyes, she saw the reflection of her own desire.

  "Anything," he murmured. "I won't mind."

  He released her, and she pulled back, disturbed. "Do I have to take off my clothes first?"

  "Not unless you want to."

  The thought of touching him any way she desired without the embarrassment of being naked, too, was too alluring to deny.

  "I—I think I'll leave them on for now."

  "Fine by me."

  Yes, today she was very glad Nate had not an ounce of self-consciousness in his incredible body.

  "C-can you turn around?" He raised his eyebrows. "You have a beautiful back."

  "I'm glad you like it." He did as she asked.

  She raised her hand to his shoulder, watching her fingers tremble as if they were the fingers of another woman. But when she traced her palm down the long, bronzed, taut expanse of him, she felt the sensations. She was the woman touching him.

  He held very still. She wasn't sure if that was to keep from frightening her or to savor the awareness.

  Losing herself in the sensual exploration, she cupped his muscled buttocks, tested the trail hardened ridges. Her fingers swirled into the curve of his flank. Fascinated by the way the sunlight flickered on his skin, she leaned forward and touched his shoulders with her lips, ran her cheek across his flesh, licked his hip.

  His breath came harder and faster. A light sheen of sweat covered his back. He tasted of summer and sunshine. Suddenly Jo's clothes were far too confining and far too hot. She lifted her fingers to unbutton her dress, but she could only reach halfway down her back.

  "Can you help me?" she murmured.

  He turned and her eyes were drawn low, to the part of him that was so different from her. She gasped and her gaze flew to his face. He grinned. "Am I that impressive?"

  "Yes." She put her fingers over her lips, but he pulled them away and kissed her. She forgot embarrassment or anything else at the first fiery touch of his mouth. The kiss took away her breath, her thoughts, her very self.

  He lifted his head and, holding her gaze, drew the dress down her arms. How had he unbuttoned all those buttons without her knowing? She suspected he'd had quite a bit of practice undressing women while keeping their minds off what his hands were doing.

  He inched the garment past her hips. Since she'd left her bustle at home in deference to the long wagon ride, the weight of the material did the rest, pooling in a heap at her feet. He untied her petticoat and that fell too. She stepped free and he kicked the discarded clothes across the room.

  Then he began to laugh. The sound was so unexpected, so natural and joyous, she caught her breath and searched his face in wonder. He appeared years younger and less sad than she'd ever seen him.

  Because of her? Oh, she hoped so.

  "No corset, Jo? You rebel."

  She removed her shoes and stood in her chemise and stockings. "It made me ill, and I was ill enough already. Besides, Mary said it was bad for the baby."

  He flinched and she wished she'd kept her mouth shut. He began to withdraw, inching back, looking everywhere but at her. How could she have been so careless? In the midst of passion was not the time to remind him of the child he feared he might hurt. Although where he had gotten such an idea, she could not understand.

  What could she do to stop the tide from turning? Frantic, she untied the neck of her chemise, shrugging the garment from one shoulder. "Would you like to touch me now?"

  He glanced at her, and she let the white cotton fall. The filmy garment slid to the floor with very little to stop it. Her breasts were fuller, but they were still mighty small, and being sick had not improved the shape of her hips. She waited for him to turn away from her boyish body.

  Instead, he appeared enthralled. His gaze as tangible as a touch, her skin hummed and her need grew. He reached out, and his fingers trembled, just like hers.

  She stepped forward, right into his hand, and he jerked back. But she caught him before he could run, and drew him closer, closer still. "Touch me," she whispered. "Touch me."

  His eyes flicked to hers and he nodded, understanding what she wanted. What happened this time was between her and him, Jo and Nate, no one else.

  When his fingers at last touched her skin she sighed and allowed her eyes to drift closed so she could feel every little thing.

  He cupped her breasts, one with each hand, tested their weight, then ran his thumbs down each one of her ribs, smoothed his palms along her waist, and over her hips. Cupping her rear he pressed her against him as he had before, but with no clothes to separate them, the experience was ever so much better.

  How could he be both hard and smooth? She could feel his pulse beat against her belly, and she pushed herself closer, wanting more. His hands clenched, pulling her tighter, rocking them together until she could barely breathe. Her knees threatened to give way.

  "I have to lie down," she gasped.

  "Me, too."

  In a single quick movement, he tumbled her backward and came along for the ride. Her eyes shot open, and she got a glimpse of the desire in his before his head lowered and he nuzzled her breasts, ran his tongue along the newly prominent veins, then captured a tingling nipple between his lips.

  She had always been sensitive there. But now the mere touch of his mouth shot heat directly to her core, and she moaned, holding his head to her, wishing he would continue with that for a long, long time.

  He held her writhing hips still, which only made her want to writhe more. "Hush." His breath brushed the moist trail left by his mouth, and she quivered. "There's so much more yet."

  What more could there possibly be, she wondered, and then he showed her.

  "I want to touch your back too." She frowned in confusion. "It's only fair, Jo. Turn over."

  She complied and he explored her with his mouth and tongue as he aligned his body to hers. His hardened shaft slid along her skin, an enticing sensation that made her writhe again, but her movements only added to the wonder. If her fumbling and immature efforts earlier had aroused him half as much as his knowledgeable display aroused her now, she wondered how he had any breath left to promise her more.

  "Jo?" His voice brushed her ear. She arched, desperate to feel him more fully against her, and he cursed.

  "Turn over," he demanded once more, lifting himself just enough to allow her to face him.

  When she would have pushed her aching center against him, he stilled her with a hand to the hip. "You've learned enough for one day."

  "I don't think so."

  "Yes, you have." He nudged her legs apart. "There's always tomorrow."

  She opened for him, and he slid home. His arms trembled as he held himself still within her. She stroked his shoulders, urging him on.

  "And tomorrow," she murmured as he slowly withdrew, then came
back again. "And tomorrow."

  His movements became quicker, more frantic. Conversation ceased. With every plunge, he touched a part of her that sent waves of sensation all the way to her toes. He seemed to be growing larger inside of her, making the friction more powerful with every thrust.

  He stared into her eyes as he joined them over and over. The intensity of his gaze made her secret love for him pulse. She shuddered with the knowledge that he wanted her at last.

  Together they shattered, and she cried out his name. They held each other tightly until the pieces drifted back to the earth.

  He shifted to the side, pulled her into his arms, then whispered, "And tomorrow."

  Those two words were more of a vow than any they'd uttered in church.

  Chapter 15

  In his wife's arms, Nate forgot the need for a drink, the ghosts of his past, everything but the joy in each moment. He was a connoisseur of sex, but teaching Jo what he knew added dimensions to the act beyond what he'd experienced before. No matter what he suggested, she was ready and willing. No matter how often he reached for her, no matter which way he touched her, which way he took her, she only invited more.

  He'd told her all she had to do was ask him to leave and he would go, but he didn't think he could anymore. Every time he looked at her he got hard remembering what they'd done an hour, a minute, a day ago. He spent most of time teach her again.

  By the time they rode into Rock Creek, Nate had to admit he was infatuated. Like a young man with his first woman, he could not get enough of the taste of her mouth, the scent of her hair, or the touch of her hands on his skin.

  "What's going on in town?"

  Jo's voice brought Nate out of his sensual reverie. "Hmm?"

  She pointed, and the movement pulled her bodice tightly across the ever increasing weight of her breasts. Nate's mouth watered at the image of suckling those breasts, pushing the nipple against the top of his mouth, feeling it harden against his tongue, nuzzling their fullness like a child, riding her like a—


  His gaze went from her breasts to her face. She was smiling—the secret smile that said she knew exactly what he was thinking, and she didn't mind a bit.

  "Later," she murmured. "You can do whatever it is you were dreaming of. Twice."

  "You're so good to me."

  "I try."

  Now they were grinning like fools, the banter between them was as new as the sex, but nonetheless enjoyable. Was this what an old married couple was like? He and Angela hadn't been married long enough to find out. Then again, he and Jo had been married less than a week. Why did he feel as if he'd known her all his life?

  A cheer went up from town and drew his attention to Jo's original question. "What is going on there?"

  "Seems like everyone is out in the street. I don't remember any parades or parties being planned, do you?"

  "Me? Remember? I don't think so."

  Jo frowned, and he wanted to kick himself for reminding her of sadder times. But she wasn't frowning at him; she was frowning at Rock Creek.

  "They're looking at us and heading this way," she murmured.

  "What?" His hands jerked on the reins, and the horses threw up their heads in protest. "Sorry," he called and lightened his hold.

  The crowd had gathered on the outskirts of town and appeared to be waiting for them. As they got close enough to see faces, he recognized what friends he had left in Rock Creek, their wives and children at the front of the group. They all shouted, "Congratulations! Welcome home, Mr. and Mrs. Lang."

  "Shit," Nate muttered. "Looks like the party's for us."

  "Yeah." Jo appeared as happy about it as he was. Nevertheless, they smiled and accepted the congratulations, then allowed themselves to be led to Lily's place, where they ate the wedding cake that was thrust into their hands.

  Nate lost track of Jo in the crowd. After a week of having her at his side, he didn't like being without her for a minute. He took a sip of the punch Lily had made. If anything could use a shot of whiskey, this was it. Would he ever stop wishing for a drink?

  "Congratulations again, Reverend." Timmons, the undertaker, shook Nate's hand a bit frantically. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you about. At work and such."

  Work? Nate frowned. But Timmons was already gone. He shrugged and went back to sipping the nasty punch.

  Only when the fourth person referred to him as Reverend Lang did Nate catch on to the idea that more things had changed in a week than his marital status. He grabbed Reese and steered his friend outside.

  "Need some advice for the wedding night?" Reese joked.

  "I'm sure your wife has already informed you that I seem to have gotten the order of things mixed up again. Wedding night before wedding, baby before bride."

  Reese's smile faded. "I had the same problem myself. No use beating yourself up about it. You've done the right thing."

  "For who?"

  "Who do you think?"

  "I'm not so sure she'll see it that way in a few years."

  Reese sighed. "You've got a second chance, Nate. You can have a life with Jo, a family. Don't ruin everything with whatever it is you can't seem to forget from your past."

  Good advice. Nate hoped he could take it. But he wasn't sure he'd be able to forget all the mistakes that haunted him. How could he deserve a second chance at life when he'd taken Angela's life away?

  Nate shook off his melancholy. If Jo saw his face, she'd know he was remembering Angela, and that wouldn't be fair to her on today of all days.

  "I'll try," he told Reese. "I only want what's best for Jo. But I'm not sure how I'm going to make a life. I don't even have a job."

  "Funny you should bring that up." Reese put his arm around Nate's shoulders. "We received a telegram that the circuit preacher turned up dead."



  "My, they've been busy."

  "Well, he didn't have you around to save him." Reese released Nate with a friendly shove. "But you are available to take over his job."

  "I don't think so."

  "Think again." His friend led him to the door of Three Queens. "What do you see in there?"

  "Too damn many people."

  "They need you."

  "What they need I can't give them."

  "Guidance? Comfort? A few kind words now and again? How hard can it be?"

  "A lot harder than you realize. I don't believe any more."

  "I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you to do a job. Did you think I wanted to be the captain all those years ago? Do you think I believed in that war after I lost everything that mattered? Do you think I wanted to go on helping people when everyone who knew me thought I was a coward and a murderer? But you guys wouldn't listen. You just kept calling me Captain and following me around. Now it's your turn, Reverend."


  "I heard about the lizard funeral."

  Damn. Nate had known that would cause trouble the moment he'd agreed to it.

  "And how all the children 'fessed up to their sins and asked for advice."

  "They're kids."

  "Kids know who to trust. The parents are impressed that their children went to you. And I wonder, if you can bury a lizard, why not people?"

  "It's different."

  "Doesn't have to be. You've got a knack for this job, Nate, if you'd only let yourself do it. People trust you. I know I do."

  Reese's praise warmed Nate, but he still could not agree. "It wouldn't be right."

  "If you don't believe in God, then what do you care about right and wrong?"

  Nate frowned. Good point. He shouldn't care, but he did. "I can't."

  "Won't, you mean." Reese lifted his chin. "Look in there again."

  Jo stood in the middle of the crowd, her face wreathed in happiness as people gave her gifts. A pot, a pan, an apron. Someone handed her a chicken. She laughed and the sound shot straight to his belly.

  He glanced at Reese. His friend watched him with a knowing express
ion in his eyes. "You gave her your child and your name; you've promised your protection. How are you going to take care of her without a job? You can't keep following Cash around and shooting people."

  Nate winced at that memory. "No, it seems I can't."

  "There's a job right here you're qualified for. Jo can continue to live in her own home. People in this town depend on her. She has friends in Rock Creek, and so do you. Think about Jo and your child. You said you want what's best for her."

  Jo's gaze swept the room. When she saw Nate in the doorway, her smile was so innocent and trusting his throat went thick and tight. Reese was right. He had to take care of her any way he could.

  "I do want what's best for her."

  "Then do it."

  Nate gave in with a grunt. "I'll give advice. Perform weddings in a pinch and say a few words over the graves of folks that won't care any more that I no longer believe. But no baptisms."

  Reese's brow creased. "Why not?"

  "I draw the line at promising the impossible to a baby."

  "All right. I guess we can make do."

  "And no church." Nate shot a sideways glance at Reese. "I am not preaching."

  Reese grinned. "That's just fine by me."

  * * *

  Nate and Reese were having a serious discussion on the porch. From the look on Nate's face, he was upset. Jo wanted to go to him. She took one step in that direction and Mary stopped her.

  "Leave him."


  "Reese won't hurt him. He loves him too."

  "What are they talking about?"

  "You'll see."

  Jo raised her eyebrows. "Secrets?"

  "We all have them."

  "Not all of us." Jo put her hand over her stomach.

  "The only people who know are the boys left in town and their wives."

  "No one else?"

  "Of course not! What's between you and Nate is private. Unless, of course, you want to share with your best friend." Mary winked.

  "Maybe I will keep a few secrets," Jo murmured.

  "We had a letter from Jed and Hannah." Eden, sitting at a table with her feet up, waved a piece of paper. "They got married in Italy. Can you imagine?"

  "No." Jo had never been anywhere but Texas and Indian territory, and she had no desire to go any farther. But if she and Nate had to leave to be together, then leave they would. Her eyes burned. But, oh, how she wanted to stay.